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Friday, November 4, 2011

Linking Models-Part 2

Part 2 – Linking the prepared file!

So now we have our soon to be linked file nice and clean and minimally sized for optimal performance within our project. To get it into our project let's look at these easy steps:

1) From a Ground Floor Plan in your Project Model,

Click Insert tab> Link panel (Link Revit).

2) In the Import/Link RVT dialog, browse to your model to be linked.  Note: before selecting "open", notice the "Positioning" pull-down> (see #3 for positioning)

3) For Positioning, specify the desired option. (See “Positioning” below for descriptions of positioning options). In most cases, you should select Auto - Origin to Origin. (If a custom Project North has previously been set in either host or linked file, Project North should be set back to match True North in both files to ensure Origin to Origin positioning is correct.) If the current project uses shared coordinates, select Auto - By Shared Coordinates.

4) Click Open.

5) Verify correct placement in both plan and elevation. Both models should have levels and grids at this point in the project to ensure correct placement. You can select the linked model in a view and drag, copy, paste, move, and rotate it. You can also monitor grids, levels, and other essential elements in the linked project. Once located correctly, any future update of consultants’ model should be “Reloaded from” in the manage links window and will then be automatically placed correctly.
It should also be noted that all linked Revit files should be pathed directly and labeled as “Absolute”, (not relative).

That's it! All there is to it.
Stay tuned for more Standards fun!

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